Yoga can provide you with the guidance
Look in the right direction. That is why most people want their children enrolled into some physical activity, so that children can put that energy to good use. Of late, children have boundless energy. But all that needs to be channelised. Yoga for children has become a trend. You hear about it in clubs and even some schools. Experts believe that practicing some simple yogasanas can help children reign in their energies and use it to better their performance, posture, dietary habits, improve concentration and overall personality. It will be a good idea to start kids on yoga sessions early,when their faculties have developed well enough. In fact, watch kids at play and you will notice that most of them can twist and turn almost effortlessly, jump, bend and sit in any manner they fancy. Many of those movements can be found in yogasanas too. Do you know that children start performing yoga postures while in the moth er's womb itself? They love doing yoga and it is easy for them to do and it is a joy filled session. You can get them started as early as two years of age, beginning with postures!
Slowly introduce them to yoga series like sun salutations (suryanamaskar). They love doing sun salutations. Sun salutations give all the fuel necessary for your child to grow healthy,to be creative,to be centered and to be focused. It helps improve stamina, strength in bones and muscles, flexibility,co-ordination, digestion, assimilation, improves memory, concentration and dynamism. These 12 postures are good enough for overall health and fitness to your child. They can do upto 10 rounds! By the age of five they will be able to do 54 to 108 rounds, which most adults cannot! As you see them progress in these 12 postures of the sun, you can then introduce them to the art of breathing, relaxation and meditation. These techniques will teach them the art of living and life. They become intellectual, peaceful, creative and compassionate. They become more loving towards them selves, to family and to the society in general. May your child bring glory to your home, society and the entire world!.